Christmas in July Bonanza

Summer Thunderstorm with Sunset
If you're in the northern hemisphere like me, summer is well underway. If you're in the southern hemisphere, I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit envious.

Here in southwest Kansas, I'm grateful we're not as humid as it was on the eastern side of the state. But, it's still pretty darn hot. Heat shimmers on the road as I drive from one point to another. And just getting into the car feels like stepping into a preheated oven. Instead of leisurely strolling across my patio, I find myself skipping along as fast as I can to prevent my feet burning on the cement (because the only thing I hate worse than hot cement is confining my feet in shoes). My poor black puppy spends his outside time panting and looking for any shade he can find. Heat surrounds us, and for the time being, there's not a lot of relief in store.

Now, as much as I really dislike the heat, I can't say I hate summer. I certainly love the flowers, the berries and peaches and other fresh produce. I enjoy the thunderstorms, identifying clouds with my science-minded son, watching the stars slowly drift across the sky while Prince Charming and I talk about dreams and wishes. Opportunities for travel abound and I always love the chance to explore some new place and gather about fifty new ideas for new stories. Summer for all its faults, has some pretty amazing blessings attached to it.

Sunrise over a Dusting of Snow
But as much as I love these wonderful blessings, and I do, my mind starts bringing back memories of snowy mornings, watching my breath rise in puffs of mist, snowball fights and snow forts. I look forward to fuzzy sweaters, mugs of cocoa with a touch of cinnamon and a healthy (or maybe not) dollop of whipped topping, and curling up with my favorite blanket and a good book. I imagine twinkling Christmas lights, wrapping up presents, the magic and wonder of the season. I begin to miss winter.

I suppose that's why Christmas in July seems like such a perfect escape. It's also a good time for me to start working on my holiday releases for the year. Yep, I plan on having at least two, maybe even three if I can manage it.

So far, I have five Christmas romances, plus two children's stories set at Christmastime. I thought for today, I'd just introduce you to each of them.

My Collection of Christmas Books (by me).
How Many Snowflakes Until Christmas?
Children ask lots of questions. My husband and I wrote this fun little Christmas book for our children as a Christmas present. I did the illustrations using pictures my friends let me borrow of their children. It's become not only a special story to our family, but to theirs as well.

More Precious Than Gold
This project was fun because my children created the characters without realizing what the characters were for. So Berry and her stuffed dragon, Emerald, quickly became the main characters in a scavenger hunt which would help her remember what makes Christmas so special.

Santa's Visit in Romance
One of my three Christmas releases of 2018 (yep, I was a busy girl), Santa's Visit in Romance takes the readers back to Romance, Oregon with a single father whose daughter asks Santa to bring her a mommy. This is a fun, sweet romance which brings back favorite characters like Katie Elders and Johnny Belcarro as well as introducing new friends like Nick Clauss and his horse, JB.

A Mermaid Under the Mistletoe
Another of 2018's releases, this was inspired loosely by the Little Mermaid fairy tale. A professional mermaid, a young woman in need of a second chance, and a cynical former Marine round out the cast. This was such a fun project to write while also having lots of tender-hearted moments.
P.S. If you like fairy tales and Christmas stories, the eBook version of this is part of a boxed set with several other fun stories. Check it out!

Holly and Mr. Ivy
This book was my first ever Christmas romance. I've always loved romance stories/movies where a pet had a helping paw in getting the couple together. Holly, a blue-eyed Irish setter mix loped into my mind and announced that she was a matchmaker. I fell in love with her, and her human Tremayne Ivy. Their story was a joy to write with fun-loving dogs, a rivalry turned romance, and a magical kiss under a Christmas tree.

Of Snow and Mistletoe
The first book in the Fairy Matched series, this one blends a touch of fantasy with romance. Lumi Candleglow is a fairy matchmaker sent to help married couple Merry and Alex Brant rekindle their romance despite the obstacles threatening to tear them apart.

Of Stars and Evergreen
Second in the Fairy Matched series and the third Christmas release of 2018. Lumi and Crispin return to give Merry's lovable assistant, Gemima, a chance at her own Christmas romance. But her intended match Steven is shy, and being forced to compete with his charismatic older brother.

As you can tell, I love Christmas stories! I love reading them and I really love writing them. Check into the blog each week to learn more about my favorite things Christmas, with my favorite books (by other authors) coming next Monday. In the meantime, tell me about your favorite Christmas romance, real or fictional.


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